Wow i seriously love J.C.Staff, i cannot express how much i like their animation production. Everything they make has its own little spice, Railgun has its own little epicness, ill get to that in a moment once i finish episode 23, so Railgun is going to end soon with an epic final battle. The episode reminds me a little of Tora-Dora, as we all know how epic that was as a series but lets start railgunning.
To More —>
Ritsu, i mean Banri-Chan is shown in the beginning of the episode and how out Haruue are old friends,
Telepathy is great,
Ok now i have to kinda refresh my brain a little,
Poor haruue,
It seems that the two are still having problems with each other,
Misaka is bathing in pink acidic water
Kuroko is trying to act cool and walks in on Misaka saying that she made the right choice as a member of Judgement.
Only to get bucketed in the face, ahaha this was absolutely perfect, hilarious,
On another note we also find out something very interesting about Uiharu,
is to keep whatever she holds warm, or we should say constant temperature, ok its not anything special but its something.
Ok so misaka gets a call.
Someone got Kiyama-sensei bailed outta jail.
Hmm Uiharu and Kuroko still not on good terms.
Ok here is what Kuroko was able to find, it seems that Haruue’s old Friends are the reason for Poltergeist.
Yeah you get the idea, trigger trigger, chain.
AH i see you are running windows, i see the folder my documents.
Oh sorry, uh this profile is Gensei, the “mad scientist” that performed some mad experiments.
Kuroko Orgasmic dream of misaka.
She is geko-tan, well she is sneaking in to the old laboratory of Gensei,
I see she was correct.
Oh what are you looking at…
Misaka triggers off the security system,
So they have to run.
Wow we find the place of the other child errors.
No not really…
Now we finally know the meaning behind the episode title, all the children were really experiments for level 6 creation, non other than by Gensei the mad scientist. “How many victims did you use?”
Apparently all they needed to do was to overload the minds of espers with a crystal that he has invented.
Kiyama knows that the only way to awake them was to try and get them pass the overloading point, but everytime they try and awake them they overload and cause the poltergeist. She is almost finished her research on the method to awake them all, but she needs something else.
She needs data on the first sample. But she cant find it anywhere.
Oh she was stalking them. She is going to take them all away now, and help them get better.
Kiyama wants to stop her.
Misaka wants Kiyama to understand that, she isnt saving them by causing the poltergeist effect.
MAR is going to take them away.
Very silent,
Very Silent,
I really like this episode, cause it was very dramatic with Kiyama, and we get to learn a lot more about the horrific past of the mad scientist and the side of the “good scientist”. It would seem like it’s impossible for the good scientist to win here, and save the children.
But enough of that time for the semi-final episode. i would say this is the best episode yet.
EP 23
So Telestina let’s Haruue see Banri-chan, and her smile is oh so creepy, im talking about telestina.
hmm Uiharu, is being forced by Saten to go see Kiyama,
Everyone is kinda depressed.
Let’s make that depressed.
Kiyama was sooo close, but soo far, very frustrated. Uiharu says that they should help out all they can and visit the children.
So they meet with telestina who is acting very wierd, kiyama hands over her data on everything she has been researching up till now. She wont let her see the children or Haruue, since they are going to be moved to another location.
Her middle name is Kihara, that rings a bell with Gensei.
And now we find our new bad guy.
Hmm it seems our anti-skill are annoyed about the sudden drop of project poltergeist.
Very annoyed.
Uiharu infinite crying. Poor uiharu, thank you Toyosaki Aki for a wonderful display of voice actor skill.
Ah kuroko slaps some sense into Uiharu,
Kuroko wants to see the Uiharu from Judgement return.
Eh why is she in a gundam suit? I thought she was the first experiment, so she should actually be an esper of level 6, but then why is she in a suit…Oh yeah its not a gundam suit lol.
Our Misaka demands to know what she is going to do with the children.
Misaka snaps, and i would as well if i was spoken to like that as well.
Oh my god who is that person?!!?!? J.C. Staff really know how to change her facial expression to make her look the evil roll, thank you J.C.Staff keep up the good work. God dam this sudden character change was the most unexpected turn of events i would ever see in the history of anime that i have seen. I mean a good character change, in a good anime. REALLY reminds me of Higurashi.
Capacity down is on in the area as well…Misaka is rendered useless. Apparently capacity down also has damaging effects on the mind,
Oh god her character change is still hard to catch up on, but no time to think about that when she is shooting some grenades at you.
Misaka absolutely breaks her mind trying to cast some lightning.
Oh misaka loses.
Oh god her face is creepy.
Saved by Kongou Mitsuko, so she isnt a useless side character after all. im guessing her powers are absolute speed or something that got Misaka out of that mess.
Cause apparently blue gundam lost sight of target, and was reported to her.
Misaka is ALIVE!!!!
She wants to get to the children a.s.a.p.
Saten stops her as asks what does she see now.
My favourite part of the episode, she was blinded by saving the children that she forgot about her friends.
Ah see its windows lol. Ahem uh yep Anti-skill is being brought into this as well.
Ah eating onigiri,
Ah yeah Kiyama Sensei, she is chasing down the trailers with the children in her car. GO GO GO! She is one of the characters that i really like, never gives up, and one of the “good scientists”, and kinda just jumps into any idea that seems to work for her lol.
Ah the red coat.
OMG Saten is going to own some face with a baseball bat, its made of metal…so its going to hurt…
Ok what kinda of preview is this?!?!?! This is the part that reminds me of Tora-dora, there was no preview lol. Oh well keeps everyone is suspense so nothing can be even spoiled to the thought of images of railgun owning some face. Dear my friends was the first opening sung by Eliza, which is most likely going to be the ending of episode 24. Oh did i mention that Railgun is EPIC!!!!
Ok nevermind…Im thinking that their key to winning this battle against the gundam is going to be their bonds as friends, Tomodachi no kizuna.
Be prepared for the last episode, no i dont think Touma is going to show up, he didnt show up before and there isnt exactly room for him in the “Dear my friends” lol if you get the idea. Anyway expect there to be many extremeness fighting, Anti-skill reinforcement, railgun, and gundam suits. No wait better not use that word lol…
Till the next episode airs,
Andrew Chin.
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