Sunday, November 29, 2009

Inuyasha the Neverending Story - 09

Sesshomaru is the nicest pedobear ever. He doesn’t stalk lolis, he SAVES them from death, TWICE! You should all learn from him. m9(ゝc_,・。) Too bad Kouga’s out of the picture now. I guess there’s not enough filler space for him so now that his shikon pieces are gone, he’s kinda useless lol.



Inuyasha adalah seorang siluman anjing yang hidup di masa lalu. Namun karena suatu kutukan, Inuyasha bukanlah seorang siluman sejati. Ia hanyalah manusia setengah siluman yang masih memiliki perasaan sebagai sorang manusia. Salah satu cara untuk menjadi siluman sejati adalah dengan merebut Shikon No Tama (batu kristal keramat) milik Kikyo, seorang pendeta wanita. Dalam pertarungannya dengan Kikyo, Inuyasha akhirnya mengalami kekalahan dan tersegel selama 50 tahun di bawah pohon keramat. Lebih buruk lagi, pertarungannya dengan Kikyo mengakibatkan Shikon No Tama hancur berkeping-keping.
Sementara itu, di masa kini, seorang gadis bernama Kagome secara tidak sengaja terbawa ke zaman di mana Inuyasha berada. Ia pun melepaskan segel Inuyasha dan membebaskannya. Setelah bebas, Inuyasha pun dihukum untuk mengumpulkan kembali pecahan Shikon No Tama, dibantu oleh Kagome. Maka, dimulailah petualangan Inuyasha untuk mengumpulkan pecahan Shikon No Tama yang telah dikuasai oleh banyak siluman.
Selain Kagome dan Inuyasha, ada pula tokoh-tokoh lain yang ikut meramaikan cerita. Ada Shippo, siluman rubah kecil yang akhirnya menjadi kelompok Inuyasha. Ada pula Sesshomaru, kakak Inuyasha yang perannya dalam cerita ini cukup misterius, yang memiliki pedang sakti bernama Tenseiga.
Lambat laun, akan terungkap perkembangan cerita ini. Mulai dari keterikatan takdir antara Inuyasha dan Kagome, hingga kemiripan wajah antara Kagome dan Kikyo. Selain harus menghadapi banyak monster-monster jahat. Inuyasha juga harus mengalahkan jiwa silumannya. Perlahan tapi pasti, kisah cinta antara Inuyasaha dan Kagome mulai tumbuh. Terwujudkah impian Inuyasha dan Kagome? Bersama pedang Tessaiga-nya inilah Inuyasha berambisi untuk mewujudkan mimpinya.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Capítulo especial de Erementar Gerad

De acuerdo con lo expuesto en el blog personal de Mayumi Azuma, la autora de Erementar Gerad y su spin-off Erementar Gerad: Flag of Bluesky, la serie regular se toma un descanso durante el presente mes ya que, en lugar del episodio correspondiente, se publicará un episodio especial. Los dos títulos que componen el universo de Erementar Gerad están siendo editados en España por Ivrea al ritmo de salida japonés, a la par con E.G.: Flag of Bluesky y sus 5 tomos y a finales de año según el blog de la editorial con el número 17 de la serie original.

Mayumi Azuma es principalmente conocida por Erementar Gerad, aunque previamente realizó varias adaptaciones al manga de célebres videojuegos: Star Ocean, Vampire Savior (Darkstalkers), etc. Ivrea a través de las consultas de su blog confirmó que ambos títulos de cuantos componen la saga Erementar Gerad funcionan estupendamente entre los lectores españoles.


AMV Gundam 00 - The Great Destroyer (Nine Inch Nails)


Soundtrack: The Great Destroyer (Nine Inch Nails)

Say your name.
Try to speak as clearly as you can.
You know everything gets written down.
Nod your head.
Just in case they could be watching.
With their shiny satellite.

I hope they cannot see.
The limitless potential.
Living inside of me.
To murder everything.
I hope they cannot see.
I am the great destroyer.

Turn it up.
Listen to the shit they pump into your head.
Filling you with apathy.
Hold your breath.
Wait until you know the time is right on time.
The end is near.

I hope they cannot see.
The limitless potential
Living inside of me.
To murder everything.
I hope they cannot see
I am the great destroyer


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nurarihyon no Mago da Shounen Jump vira anime

O manga Nurarihyon no Mago, em publicação na edição semanal da Shounen Jump, está previsto para ganhar anime em breve no Japão. Ainda não há previsão no Japão, mas é esperado que seja em torno de abril ou julho de 2010.

Nurarihyon no Mago (O neto de Nurarihyon) é manga sobre tema de youkai (Criaturas do folclore japonês) de Shiibashi Hiroshi publicado desde 2008 na revista Shounen Jump. No momento o manga está na 7ª edição.

Nurarihyon é o youkai descrito com aparência de idoso sem cabelo, entrando e ficando a vontade na casa dos outros como se fosse o dono da casa. Também é conhecido como supremo comandante dos youkais.

No manga, os youkais vivem em paz isolado dos humanos e agem em grupo no Japão moderno como yakuza. O protagonista Rikuo, que é descendente do Nurarihyon, embora seja mestiço com apenas ¼ do sangue youkai, se torna o terceiro supremo comandante dos youkais. Mesmo assim, ele ainda é um simples estudante e só consegue manter sua forma de youkai poderoso por tempo determinado na mesma proporção do seu sangue youkai. Por causa disso, ele ainda não é aceito como o supremo comandante por muitos grupos de youkai e alguns planejam até assassiná-lo.

Comentário pessoal: esse me chamou muito a atenção(adoro youkais *-*)…pretendo baixar o mangá…. e o anime quando chegar postarei minha opinião sobre ele aqui.

Fonte: AnimeBlade


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast PS3 | Trucos Cheats PS3

Trucos de Juegos para Dragon Ball: Raging Blast PS3, Claves, Ayudas y secretos para Dragon Ball: Raging Blast PS3, Trucos Juegos Dragon Ball: Raging Blast PS3

Trucos de juegos para Dragon Ball: Raging Blast PS3

Trucos de juegos para Dragon Ball: Raging Blast PS3

-Desbloquear los Personajes
Llevar a cabo las acciones siguientes para desbloquear los personajes adicionales:

  • Broly, Super Broly, Broly LSSJ – Completar la misión ¡Libertad!
  • Broly SSJ3 – Completa El Super Saiyan Legendario Reborn (la batalla secreta 39:  Super Saiyan Saga Legendario)
  • SSJ3 Vegeta – Completa el Super Saiyan Strongest 3 (batalla secreta 47: ¿Qué tal las Historias)
  • Super Gogeta – la fusión completa y Potara Parte 1: Super Gogeta (¿Qué tal las Historias)
  • Vegito, Super Vegito – la fusión completa y Potara Parte 2: Super Vegito (¿Qué tal las Historias)

Vía: Diajuegos


Review: Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~

BEETRAIN’s Phantom ~Requeim for the Phantom~ is yet another show based on an ero-game. Phantom -PHANTOM OF INFERNO-, an interactive visual novel created by Nitroplus, was released in Japan in 2000. An OVA was produced in 2004, and this 26 episode series was broadcast earlier this year. In it, we follow the fate of Reiji, a 15 year-old Japanese student forced to join the mafia organisation, Inferno, after he witnessed the killing of a reporter, as the relationships he forms during his assignments force him to make choices perhaps unbefitting of an assassin.

Artistically, Phantom is definitely a BEETRAIN series. Top-notch and relatively consistent animation with many slow scenes and long pauses (BEETRAIN is probably the king of panning shots), complemented by a sweeping electornic score occasionally backed by deep chants or a haunting female voice. The series convincingly conveys the atmosphere of a life dominated by periods of waiting, intersped with moments of sheer violence and surrounded by the constant threat of death. Admittedly, I marathoned most of it, having started watching incredibly late in the season, and I can hardly say that I pay all that much attention to the animation values anyway, but on this front, I really have no complaints.

The overall flow of the plot, and thus the associated development of characters and their motivations, is where Phantom underwhelms this viewer, if only because of an incredibly strong start. The first art was a sublime exposition of the path Reiji followed in becoming an assassin, ridding himself of most of his emotions except but unable to dismiss those that connect him to the person most similar to himself. The action scenes were gracefully exciting, but most of all, the emotional scene were Reiji removes the bullet from Ein’s hip and resolves to protect her, was beautifully done.

The second arc was also touching in showing how Reiji had lost his humanity following the loss of Ein, and how Cal was able to start healing it. I also enjoyed seeing the scheming and plotting by various parties in their quests for power, which demonstrated just how much Reiji and Ein/Ellen were simply pawns with little real say in their fate. Ein’s character is also revealed to have developed in this arc, but I felt that the writers should have revealed, in flashback, Ein’s thoughts as she took the bullet for Scythe Master at the end of the previous arc. Perhaps an astute viewer would have come to the correct conclusion, that Ein took the bullet because she felt that Reiji’s gentleness would be completely destroyed by him shooting Scythe in cold blood (I don’t remember where I read this, but it’s apparently in the game), but it was something that I would have liked confirmed.

Given all that had been achieved up to this point, the third act seemed somewhat ridiculous in several aspects. I did enjoy the scenes where Ein and Reiji act as typical high school students, wrapped up in confessions and dates and hanging out with friends. Ein’s acting, in particular, is quite unbelievable, but the writers did make good use of simple things like snow and rainbows to show the gentle nature that life as an assassin had almost stolen from Reiji. However, Cal’s transformation – over a mere two years – from a capricious loli with huge eyes into a busty, bitter16 year-old was a bit too unbelievable. The personality change, yes, given how betrayed she felt, but the body change…er… True to the visual novel, perhaps, but really, the only reason viewers can connect those two is because the creators said so. Furthermore, the six assassins that Scythe Master created, though mere imitations of Ein, surely should have been better than that.

Finally, there is the ending too. Admittedly, it is an extension that was not in the game, and thus, perhaps, the only thing the writers felt they could shock viewers with. I’ve already noted that a certain character’s death is, in a manner of speaking, not unexpected and quite deserved because that is the nature of an assassin’s life. However, thanks to the execution the writers chose, rather than it being the end of a character arc, it felt as if the studio had simply want to go for the shock factor. Perhaps they did. And they succeeded in a way, because everyone was talking about the ending after it’d aired. Nevertheless, I feel that they could have achieved better cohesion, particularly with the character arcs, had they gone for a far more open ending too, ala NOIR, rather than leave us to imagine what the remaining character would do. This ending was far too final and abrupt for the studio that has produced series such as NOIR, the .hack franchise and Avenger.

In summary, Phantom ~ Requeim for the Phantom ~ has incredibly strong values that make it one of the most atmospheric series that BEETRAIN has ever produced. However, despite a strong start, it was let down by an average ending that is perhaps compounded by the shock factor that the writers seems to be going for with the ending. I was completely hooked by the first and second parts, but that only made the finale all that more disappointing. 7/10

On a slightly unrelated note, I’ve seen photos of the Mongolian plains, and whilst they weren’t quite the vivid blue depicted in this anime, and the clouds were more sparsely spread out, it was beautiful. I can only imagine the wonder one who has come from a crowded city would feel when standing in that amazing canvas.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nodame Cantabile

Bueno hace tiempo que no escribía sobre ninguna serie XD (falta de tiempo :O). Pero, hoy encontrado un huequito y les hablaré de Nodame Cantabile :P .

Manga & Anime creado por Tomoko Ninomiya y que en el año 2004 recibió un premio por mejor Shoujo Manga. Quiero aclararles una duda, aunque haya recibido este premio, la serie es un Josei ya que trata sobre relaciones amorosas en ámbito universitario y cómo los estudiantes se defienden en la vida laboral (después de graduarse).

La historia gira entorno a una escuela universitaria de música donde conocemos a Shinichi Chiaki, uno de los mejores estudiantes de piano pero que su verdadero sueño es dirigir una Orquesta (siguiendo los pasos de su ídolo Sebastían Vera). Debido a este sueño, Chiaki no le interesa tocar instrumentos y tiene una discusión con su maestro de piano. Siendo transferido a la clase de “casos perdidos” donde conocerá a Megumi Noda (Nodame para los amiguitos :P ). Esta chica es muy extravagnte y está un poco loca XD. También estudiante de piano… pero se aburre ya que le cuesta memorizar las partituras… Aún así, Chiaki se da cuenta de que ella posee un talento natural para la música ya que es capaz de oír una melodía y realizarla de la misma manera :P .

Entre ellos dos, se entabla una extraña relación… y como no podía ser Nodame se enamora de él XDDDDD.

Es Josei más divertido que he visto, jejeje sobre todo lo que le hace Chiaki a la pobre Nodame XD. Gracias a esta serie le he cogido gustillo a la música clásica ^^.

La serie consta de dos temporadas donde la primera tiene 23 episodios y la segunda de 11 eipodios. Debido al gran éxito que tuvo, se creó un Dorama japonés con 11 episodios. Para diciembre de este año se espera la película y la tercera temporada se retrasó hasta el año que viene :( . Ambas serán el cierre de la serie pues la autora, depués de sus problemas de salud, pudo publicar el tomo definitivo ^^.

Dorama –> Tu Tv

Proximamente colgaré el Anime :P


Sasameki Koto Anime Opening and Ending - Calming and Nostalgic

Never have I encountered such nice, calming, and perfect for cute yuri stories music but in the Sasameki Koto Anime!

Believe me, this anime is unique when it comes to their opening and ending songs! Both songs were sung by Kiyoura Natsumi.

At first, I didn’t like the intro to the opening theme. I thought it didn’t fit in the animation. But when I kept listening to it, I realized it was really good.

Lyrics are nice and meaningful too.  As I played the Opening Theme while reading chapter 16-18 of the manga, it fitted perfectly and it motivated to read further. Very calming song… ^_^~

What a better way to lighten up the mood with the ending theme. The title is Niji iro Pocket sung by the same artist, Kiyoura Natsumi.


Hope you guys love the music as I do. ^^v I’m starting to like the series by the way, especially the manga. So I’ll try to keep you guys updated on Sasameki Koto as much as I can!



Saturday, November 21, 2009

Shin Koihime Musou - Episode 7 Screencaps

Back with more Shin Koihime Musou. This time from episode 7. Some screencap fun with Kanu, Ryuubi, Choun. Click image for larger versions.


Anison Kôhaku 2009

El programa musical de año nuevo en la NHK tendrá versión dedicada al anime, con los tradicionales equipos (Rojo=Chicas,  Blanco= Chicos)

El evento será en el Teatro G Rosso, de Tokyo Dome City, a las 22:00 del 31 de diciembre.

Los integrantes de cada equipo serán:

Equipo blanco:
Shinichi Ishihara: Kamen Rider AGITO, Tatakae! Red Baron
Akira Kushida: Kinnikuman, Space Sheriff Shaider
Psychic Lover: Tytania, Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Isao Taira: Space Runaway Ideon, Braiger
Takayoshi Tanimoto: Dragon Ball Kai, Zatch Bell!
T-Pistonz: Inazuma Eleven
Ken Narita: Cyborg 009, Denshi Sentai Denziman
Takayuki Miyauchi: Choudenshi Bioman, Kamen Rider BLACK RX
Anison Singers: Medley de temas de Toei Animation
Ichirou Mizuki: Mazinger Z, Babel II

Equipo rojo:
Azumi Inoue: My Neighbor Totoro, Before Green Gables
Takako Ohta: Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel
Mayumi Gojo: Futari wa Pretty Cure, Ojamajo Doremi
Sister MAYO: Hare+Guu, Mahou Sentai Magiranger
Choi Sun Duk: Element Hunters (Versión koreana)
Rica Matsumoto: Pokemon
MIQ: Aura Battler Dunbine, Heavy Metal L-Gaim
Satoko Yamano: Maple Town, Doraemon (videojuegos)
Anison Singers: Medley de temas de TMS Entertainment
Mitsuko Horie: Candy Candy, Hana no Ko Lunlun

Visto en  MisionTokyo

Thursday, November 19, 2009

HAL de Aoi Makino en el punto de mira

Los usuarios de 2ch han centrado su atención en un yomikiri de Aoi Makino que se publicó en la revista Ribon Fantasy, que salió a la venta el pasado 23 de octubre, títulado HAL.

Parece ser que HAL es la historia de una chica de secundaria muy inteligente y buena, o eso parece, aunque con unos valores morales algo especiales que recibe la visita de un shinigami llamado Hal que le propone cierto trato… ¿os viene alguna otra serie a la cabeza?El cachondeo es tal que algunos ya se refieren a esta historia como “Hal Note” aunque, ha sido tal la acogida, que se rumorea una posible continuación de la historia en la revista Ribon. Quién sabe, tal vez pronto veamos una versión femenina de L o un chico al más puro estilo Misa.

Anime Overload Festival 2009

This post is way its due for a report. Make this one anyway.

The event was eleven days ago (Novermber 08, 2009) at the SMX Convention Center. And as expected, there were hundreds who wouldn’t want to miss out on the fun.

I got there and there was Ken was already there. We greeted each other and he told me that Raph couldn’t make it to the event. Unforunately, he was in Manila till the 7th. Bummer. An hour passed after I purchased my ticket for the event, I saw Bart and with him was a guy who calls himself Omoore. The meetup for the CC members was in front of SMX and unfortunately, I made the wrong choice of having the meetup there, ’cause it was too darned hot for people to wait there. And the open area near the function rooms in SMX didn’t have too many people, which hence could be made as the meetup area. It’s too late though.

Hours after, I was with a mixed bunch of fellas from Japinoy and Cosplay Circle forumers. We all agreed to try the maid cafe there.

Frankly, I thought I was getting myself into a lot of trouble ’cause I was teasing a lot of people with me. This resulted from hitting the sack late after the Divisoria tour the day before.

Look at this sorry little man. Douchebag.

We got quite a lot of lulz from the maid cafe, since I was acting like a big idiot. Before digging in, the maids and butlers, entertained us with a game of Jan-Ken-Pon. They let us do a trial run then the real thing. This was a game so there’ll be winners (duh). After the first round of the game, I lost ’cause I wasn’t following instructions. And the winners, are to be spoonfed by the maids for the guys and butlers for the ladies. The dining came after the game. The maids did a dance number, while the diners wolfed on the food. The maids were up first. Soon after, the people requested for another dance number but with the butlers with the maids. The butlers weren’t too happy about it. Can you blame them? They’d have to dance in cutesy cute routine. So no.

We happen to saw Kia there who was cosplaying as Cassandra from Black Blood Brothers. She was with her X-men group. Karl was cosplaying Deadpool, Herwin as possibly a vampire from Black Blood Brothers (really sorry I’m not really sure what you were cosplaying), Miguel as Draco Malfoy, Eman as Mario and Manolito as Luigi. I did envy them ’cause they went there a group armed with the seriousness of cosplaying. Soon after, we got to see Yuu, her little sister Minami and their friend Jazz. She didn’t get to talk to us much since she needs to buy tickets.

Part two will cover my friends’ arrival and the cosplay competition catwalk.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

El 9 de marzo de 2010 llegará Final Fantasy XIII

El 9 de marzo de 2010 ha sido la fecha elegida para el lanzamiento en occidente de la nueva entrega de Final Fantasy. El lanzamiento será simultaneo en Europa y Estados Unidos, y hará que podamos descubrir la que promete ser la entrega más espectacular de toda la saga, pues por primera vez se ha aplicado alta definición en un Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy XIII se presenta como una de las novedades imprescindibles del año que viene para los poseedores de una PlayStation 3 o una Xbox 360. Sólo el tiempo nos dirá si está a la altura de las expectativas levantadas o supone una decepción más. De momento, en la web oficial podéis ver un video subtitulado al español con la presentación de esta nueva entrega:

Web oficial:


Two boys had been playing together one day when they had seen something in the distance. It was on this August 10, 2010 that the Holy Britannia Empire had declared war on Japan. It was a fight between the neutral Japan and the super-power Britannia, but the latter had used their “Knightmare Frames” to overwhelm Japanese self-defense forces. Japan became a possession of the Empire, meaning that freedom, rights, and even its name was taken away. Area 11 was the new name of the defeated Japan. Back then, one of the boys had vowed that he would smash Britannia. It is now seven years after the war, in the year 2017. With news reports of terrorist bombings on the TV, a student named Lelouch faces off against a noble in a game of chess, which Lelouch is confident he can finish in 9 minutes. In fact, he pulls it off in just 8 minutes and 32 seconds. As Lelouch and his friend Rival are exiting the building, they see the third prince of Britannia, Clovis, on a nearby TV screen. Addressing the empire’s citizens and the people of Area 11, the prince makes an impassioned speech about terrorism and fighting for justice. He has the people pray for the lives sacrificed for justice, but Lelouch and Rival just ignore it.

After the speech, the prince receives word about some medical equipment and orders out a Knightmare squad in response. Around this time, Lelouch and Rival are on the road when they get almost run over by a large truck. The truck veers off the road and crashes into a building. Lelouch goes to investigate and briefly sees a figure made up of light particles floating above the truck trailer. With more and more people gathering to see what’s going on, Lelouch runs in to help the drivers, but they don’t respond to his calls. When he climbs on top of the truck, he suddenly hears a female voice say that she’s found him. Lelouch isn’t given much more time to think because the drivers of the truck put it in reverse and pull backing out onto the road, causing Lelouch to fall into the trailer. As the truck speeds down the highway, it comes under attack by military helicopters, so the female driver Kallen goes to the back and boards her own Knightmare Frame. With it, she easily brings down a pair of the helicopters, but then a Britannia Knightmare gets air-dropped to challenge her. To compound their problems, another Knightmare appears and shoots at the truck, forcing it to escape down a different road.

Outmatched, Kallen manages to fire her Knightmare’s arm and escapes in the smoke.
The military believes that what the terrorists stole in that truck is a chemical weapon – poisonous gas. The terrorists are of course Kallen and the other truck driver, who is bleeding as now he drives down a subway passage. Unfortunately, the truck gets stuck in a large hole in the ground. The noise alerts a nearby Britannia soldier, who spots Lelouch in the trailer and assumes he’s a terrorist after the poisonous gas. After getting attacked, Lelouch wants to know from the solider why Britannia created the gas. It’s when Lelouch says that he wants to crush Britannia that the soldier realizes Lelouch identify.

The soldier is actually Suzaku, Lelouch’s friend from before the war seven years ago. As the two are trying to figure out how it ended up like this, the container that supposedly houses the poisonous gas suddenly starts to open up. Suzaku tackles Lelouch onto the floor and covers his mouth, but no gas comes out. Instead, a green-haired girl emerges. Soon after, the two of them and the girl are discovered by another Britannia force. The commanding officer wants Suzaku to shoot the terrorist Lelouch, but he refuses, so the officer shoots Suzaku in the back instead. However, before they can do anything to Lelouch or the girl, the dying truck driver activates the self destruct and blows up the truck.
Upon receiving word that the terrorists ran away, Clovis decides to order the destruction of the Shinjuku Ghetto. Various squads of the military set out and start slaughtering the population and shelling the city. Still underground, Lelouch is blaming the girl for what’s happened as he reacts to Suzaku’s apparent death. As the two emerge above ground into a warehouse, Lelouch sees several civilians, including children, getting shot by the military. Unfortunately, Lelouch’s friend Shirley calls him right then, causing his cell phone to ring and alerting the Britannia men. The officer in charge shoots Lelouch, but the girl gets in the way and takes a bullet to the head for him. After she falls and starts bleeding all over the ground, Lelouch are angsting about not being able to do anything when the girl’s hand springs up and touches him.

She wonders if he doesn’t want it to end since she can see that he has a reason to live. She asks if he can live if he has power, and says that this is a contract. In exchange for giving him power, she wants her wish to be granted. If they contract, he will live in the human world but live for a different reason than everyone else a different providence, a different time, and a different life. The power of the king will make him isolated.

Lelouch agrees to the contract and stands back up in front of the soldiers. With the new power of his left eye, Lelouch commands the soldiers to die, so they point their guns to their necks and commit suicide. By the time Lelouch realizes what’s happened, there are dead bodies lying everywhere. In retrospect, he recalls that from that day on, he had been telling lies – lies about his name, lies about his background, nothing but lies. He’s sick of this world that doesn’t change, but he can’t give up the lies because of despair. However, he obtained power.

by: Layct C

Sunday, November 15, 2009

TM 8.0 - Ep.11 - Finale

Die letzte Episode ohne viele Worte. Wer 01-10 gesehen hat, der weiß warum.

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 - Ep. 11: “Für Yuuki”

- ..... -

subs4u & Lightmaker Coop Sub

Download per Torrent:

- TM 8.0 – Episode 11 HD – Torrent - - TM 8.0 – Episode 11 SD – Torrent -

Download per XDCC (folgt etwas später):

- EAF IRC Channel -

Komplette Info:

- Alles über Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 -

Zum Abschluss vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten von subs4u für die gute
Zusammenarbeit. Es war ein überraschender und ungewöhnlicher Anime,
dessen Verlauf und Ende sicher niemand von uns erahnt hat. Nach den
ersten Episoden habe ich erwartet, dass er gut werden würde - jedoch nicht,
dass er bei mir so viel Eindruck hinterlassen würde. Schön, dass zwischen
dem ganzen Mainstream-Trash immer wieder solche Perlen zu finden sind
und wir diese hier mit einem guten deutschen Sub versehen konnten.


Saturday, November 14, 2009


Okay, so my new favorite anime is Vocaloid. I didn’t include a picture because the border is a Vocaloid picture. In one of my older posts, I explained what it was, so I’m not going to repeat.

Anyway, my favorite character is Kagamine Rin and Len. They’re twins. But they’re NOT twins.

They’re actually mirror images of each other. They’re sung by the same person. I like Len’s voice better, but it’s freakishy high, but if you listen to it after Rin’s, you can tell it’s a boy singing.

So one day in Gym, we were playing soccer so one team had to wear these yellow scarves, so I tied mine like a tie and said “MY NEW NAME IS LEN!!! JUST FOR PHYS. ED!”

But no, my classmates still called me Izzy.

My favorite songs are Cantarella (Len and Rin version), Cendrillon (Adolescence), Romeo and Cinderella, The Evils Series (Mostly Regret Message, and Daughter of Evil), SPICE! (That’s my most favorite), Magnet (The Len and Rin version), and Alice Human Sacrafice.

I’m doing a collage in school, and I’m trying to base it on Cendrillon, but it’s so hard to cut out Rin’s silhouette. Sigh.

I really want the Vocaloid Program, but I’ll stick with the Innocencer app on my iPod.


Pokémons Shinies

Shinies no Anime   ButterfreeEsta é a Butterfree cor-de-rosa que foi embora junto com o Butterfree do Ash.


Ele apareceu em Johto, foi capturado por Ash com a ajuda de Pikachu. Ele substituiu o velho Pidgeotto e ajudou em várias batalhas, como na do ginásio de Morty.


Depois de Ash ir para Hoenn, o Noctowl ficou com o profº Oak e foi substituído pelo Swellow.




Este Shuckle tem um casco azul.

Um velho em Johto extraia o suco desse Shuckle para fazer uma espécie de poção do amor que serve para atrair pokémons. Sabendo disso, Jessie, James e Meowth resolveram rouba-la, mas com ajuda do

velho, Ash e os outros, tudo volta ao normal. Kecleon

Um dos primeiros pokémons de Hoenn que apareceu em Johto, junto com Wynaut.

Ele e mais um Kecleon normal c omeçaram a roubar coisas dentro de um dirigível e ficavam invisíveis.

Conseguiram até mesmo enganar Jessie e James, mas co

m a ajuda de Ash e os outros, tudo foi resolvido.




O Shiny mais conhecido, ele até aparece no jogo Silver/Gold. Era um Magikarp comum que virou Shiny durant

e a sua evolução. Causou uma confusão com a sua fúria em Mahogany, então, com ajuda de Pryce, Ash e os outros, e de Lance da elite 4, resolveram o problema. Lance capturou-o e em Hoenn e usa-o na luta com Kyogre e Groudon.




Este pokémon pertence a Jack son (ou Vicent), que usa numa batalha contra Ash na Liga Johto.


Ash acaba por empatar nesta luta mas mesmo assim, classificou-se para a próxima etapa da liga.

Foi o Shiny com a aparição mais curta no anime.




Caracterizado pelo tom de cor verde.

Ele pertence a Winona, a líder de pokémon

s voadores do ginásio da Cidade de Fortree, na região de Hoenn.

Ela utilizou este Swellow numa batalha contra Ash pela insígnea, que por sua vez, também usou seu Swellow para derrotá-la.





Um Magikarp dourado que aparece em Hoenn.

Um treinador que possuía um Ivysaur e um Wartotle pescou este Magikarp.

Então chegou um outro treinador interessado e resolveu trocar o seu Charmeleon pelo o Magikarp, fazendo ele ficar com as 3 evoluções dos iniciais de Kanto.





Também aparece em Hoenn.

Ela foi um des taque em meio de outros Donphans normais.

Ela fazia com que os outros Donphans caíssem de amor por ela, que usavam golpes de rolo compressor para impressioná





Já na região de Sinnoh, o Dustox de Jessie encontra um Dustox shiny que pertencia a um treinador.

Eles se apaixonaram e ambos libertam seus pokémons para procriarem. Jessie amarra umas fitas nas antenas de

Dustox e os Dustoxs partem para uma vida juntos. É um caso semelhante ao do Butterfree de Ash.




Outro que apareceu em Sinnoh. Consegue usar golpes como o Lock-on (coisa que os Metagross normalmente não apre

ndem), além de ser afectado por golpes venenosos como o Cauda Venenosa de Seviper.

O seu golpe psíquico foi revertido pelo contra-ataque de Wobbuffet, mesmo sendo um golpe especial (e não físico).





Outros casos do género: Outros Pokemons que apareceram no anime têm cor diferente, mas não foram considerados Shinies…(apesar de ser da Liga Johto, este Pokémon foi o 1º lendário a a parecer na série)


Ele nunca mais apareceu dourado, agora aparece apenas com a sua coloração normal.

Outro caso acontece num episódio quando May consegue a sua 2ª fita de Kanto.

Pokémons Shinies que apareceram no AnimeMarill shiny é verde, enquanto Breloom shiny é vermelho.

O que houve provavelmente foi um erro de coloração. Notem também que há uma gosma vermelha ao fundo, parecido com Slugma, mas sem os olhos.

Outros pokémons que tem cor diferente são alguns que vivem nas Ilhas Laranja.

Essa coloração é resultado do clima diferente da região.

Por exemplo, um Butterfree com asas amareladas e manchas vermelhas.

Numa das ilhas, é possível encontrar pokémons rosa:

Pokémons Shinies que apareceram no Anime

Eles são rosa devido às frutas que comem na ilha, qualquer pokémon fica rosa ao comer dessas frutas.

Com o tempo, o pokémon que come do fruto rosa volta a sua coloração normal.

Como essas frutas fazem parte da dieta alimentar diária dos pokémons da ilha, permanecem todos sempre rosa.

 fonte: pokemon darkay

Pokémons Shinies que apareceram no Anime

Vejam o exemplo da aparição de Ho-oh no 1º episódio.

Este seria o 1º Shiny que aparece no anime, mas na verdade, ele não foi considerado Shiny, pois naquel

a época ainda não existiam pokémons Shinies (eles chegaram com a vinda da 2ª geração).

Ele era completamente dourado, mas não é considerado shiny, apenas era para não revelar este pokémon, pois só aparecia na Liga Jhoto.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

naruto manga caps 367 – 371 sub español

ohayo nyop ues chi komo siempre los nuevos capitulos   del manga  de naruto nyo  con un poco de retraso pero el final llego nyo gema aki se los dejo n.n


cap 367   ver online  descargar

cap 368   ver online  descargar

 cap 369   ver online  descargar

cap 370   ver online  descargar

cap 371   ver online  descargar

Filme Bungaku Shoujo estréia no Japão em maio.

A Enterbrain confirmou, no topo do seu site, a previsão do filme Bungaku Shoujo para o “Golden Week”, um feriado japonês que dá folga de uma semana *inveja*. Ainda não há data exata de quando vai estrear no cinema, mas será durante o feriado que começa dia 29 de abril e vai até 5 de maio de 2010.

Haverá também, no dia 26 de dezembro de 2009, o lançamento de um DVD especial contendo um pequeno episódio de 10 minutos e mais um trailer do filme. Este DVD virá acompanhado opcionalmente na nova edição do livro.

A série Bungaku Shoujo (garota literária) é um light novel de mistério e comédia colegial criado em 2006 por Nomura Midzuki e ilustrado por Takeoka Miho. Também está disponível em manga na revista Gangan Comics Joker. A animação do filme é do estúdio Production I.G.

A história é sobre a estudante Amano Tooko que, de tanto amar a literatura, literalmente come os livros da biblioteca, mas na verdade ela faz isso porque é uma youkai. Um dia, o protagonista Inoue Konoha, que antigamente escrevia livros, acaba descobrindo este segredo. A partir daí, Inoue é forçado a participar do clube de literatura do colégio fazendo companhia à Amano, escrevendo novas histórias para alimentar a sua fome.


Fonte: AnimeBlade

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oscars 2010: Erste Spekulationen um die Animationsfilm-Kategorie

Für die Oscar Verleihung 2010 steht schon eines bereits jetzt fest: die Kategorie des Animationsfilm wird im sechsten Jahr seit Bestehen eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. So ist vor allem der neue Pixar Film “Oben” ein ganz heißer Kandidat für eine Doppelnominierung, da der Film aktuell für die Kategorien “Bester Film” und “Bester Animationsfilm” gehandelt wird. Würde das eintreffen, wäre das erst die zweite Nominierung eines Animationsfilm für die Königsdisziplin neben “Die Schöne und das Biest” im Jahr 1991.

Aber auch die Kategorie des Animationsfilmes wird 2010 wahrscheinlich eine weitaus größere Rolle spielen als in den Jahren zuvor, da es wohl erstmals 16 oder mehr zulässige Bewerbungen für die Kategorie geben wird, womit dann fünf Filme in der Kategorie “Bester Animationsfilm” nominiert wären. Als heiße Kandidaten für die Kategorie werden aktuell “Oben”, “Monsters vs. Aliens”, “Coraline”, “9″, “Disney’s Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte”, “Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen”, aber auch “Küss den Frosch” oder “Ponyo” gehandelt. Damit hat man ein sehr großes Spektrum an unterschiedlichen Animationsfilmen, die von klassischer, handgezeichneter Animation, über moderne 3D Animation und speziell für 3D Kinos konzipierte Filme reicht.

Quelle: ABC News

In Love With Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid

Recently, after watching the pilot episode of Black★Rock Shooter and coming upon a playlist from a friend, I have become completely immersed in a lot music associated with Vocaloid. I consider myself to have quite an eclectic taste in music, ranging from, light rock to new age, hard metal to hip hop, or classical to trance. However, I had never imagined that I would find synthesized voice so………. sexy? Anyway, I have been looping these for hours on end,


[supercell] Hatsune Miku – 初めての恋が終わる時
Composed by supercell


[supercell] Hatsune Miku – 嘘つきのパレード
by supercell


Hatsune Miku – サイハテ
by Kobayashi Onyx


Kagamine Rin – すすすす、すき、だあいすき
by JevanniP
This video is just too cute.

By the way, Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid are quite a fascinating cultural phenomenon and present a really interesting aspect of fandom, but that is a discussion best left for others.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sora no Otashimono: Episode 6 pictures

Taken from EARL BOX once again~! so it seems as though there’ll be alot more mizugi action this time around(which there was barely any of the last episode…). And I thought that the art was sort of lacking in episode 4, buuuut it seems as though the quality has gone back up, thankfully. And Nymph has finally arrived, or at least for most of the episode. and is it just me or do alot of the girls in the series seem to have like chest 2x the size of thier heads? it really bothers me sometimes… but whatever, Nymph is the smallest of them all.

And it seems as thought this episode may be a pretty funny one, can’t wait to watch it tommorow~!

ny anime

I dag dro jeg, Yunko og Nene til Osaka for å se på en ny anime. Jeg forstod ikke alt som de sa i filmen siden det ikke var noe engelske undertekst, men det handlet om to jenter, Shinko og Kiiko som bor på landet. Shinko finner ut at hun har forbindelser eller røtter til en hundre års legende som heter suo. Filmen heter mai mai miracle på engelsk, men den japanske tittelen er maimai shinko to sen-nen no maho.

På ettermiddagen dro jeg til en italiensk restaurant i Neyagawa shi. Restauranten heter Comorero.





Saturday, November 7, 2009



Ryuuji tem a sina de ter herdado uma expressão de delinquente no olhar. Taiga reage mal a tudo o que a contraria mas está farta que as pessoas fujam dela e da sua reputação. Ryuuji tem um fraco pela melhor amiga de Taiga, Minori. Taiga tem um fraco pelo melhor amigo de Ryuuji, Kitamura. São vizinhos. Vivem os dois por baixo de um mal-entendido. Enquanto tecem planos para melhorar a sua vida amorosa vão-se aproximando cada vez mais. Então porque é que Toradora! consegue fugir um bocadinho ao normal? Por causa da Taiga. Tão simples quanto isso.

Eyeshield 21 [Episode 76-80]

Eyeshield 21 [Episode 76] Come Back, Musashi?!

Kotaru Sasaki of the Bando Spiders interrupted Deimon’s Devil Bat’s training and issues a challenge to Musashi to be the no 1 kicker in football.

Deimon players predicted that the next match will be a close match. A kicker will make a lot of difference from the bonus points.

Sena and Montakun approached Musashi but he turn them down. Musashi has sacrificed everything since his father was involved in an accident. Kurita then explains Hiruma will always register Musashi in every game and believes he will return to the team one day.

At the hospital, Musashi remember that his father once punched him for abandoning his comrades during a battle (the last tournament) but his punch was very weak. From that day, he had sacrifice everything until his father gets well. Montakun and Sena talk some sense into Musashi and he swore that if the minute his father got better, he will immediately rejoin the team.

Football clinic explains that the trick to cutting off a pass is pushing your opponent with one arm and hitting the ball with the other.

Eyeshield 21 [Episode 77] The True 21?!

Everyone was fired up at training. Hiruma send Sena and Suzuna to the store to pick up their equipments and they met Hayato Akaba at the shop. Sena wonders if Hayato Akaba is the real Eyeshield 21 as he picks up his helmet with eye shield from the shop.

Hiruma realizes that something is bothering him and later explains that that Eyeshield 21 is just a nicknamed from a legendary player. The nickname is now given to the greatest player in high school and anyone can call himself Eyeshield 21.

Later Sena, Montakun, Suzuna and Mamori went to the hot springs to find Kakei for some information on Eyeshield 21. Kakei explains that Akaba is the MVP last year because he is the lead blocker last year. He further explains that it doesn’t matter if he is the real Eyeshield 21 or not as their main concern is to stop Akaba and win the game!

Football clinic explains that when you want to steal the ball from behind, you have to knock it away with a hard punch.

Eyeshield 21 [Episode 78] They’re Waiting for Me?!

Everyone is training hard for the match against Bando Spiders. However, not knowing that Sena is Eyeshield 21, Mamori felt that Sena is irresponsible as a manager. She made him work together to fulfill his role as a manager by doing a manager’s work.

Everyone missed Sena in training. Sena has to train alone at night after all the work has been done and this made him quite exhausted. He felt like letting the secret out of the bag to Mamori but he is worried that she will force him to quit the football team. He was training one night in the rain and he was down with fever the next day.

It’s championship match day between Ojo White Knights and Seibu Wild Gunmen. Montakun soon learned that Seibu Wild Gunmen is without Tetsuma due to suspension. He went to apologize to him due to his dumb actions in the semifinals and for saving the team from disqualifications. Ojo White Knights won the championship 14-3.

Football clinic explains that the most important quality in the running back is speed to get past anyone or everyone.

Eyeshield 21 [Episode 79] Sena Kobayakawa?!

Everyone is training hard to the match against the Bando Spiders. Mamori has a brief conversation with Eyeshield 21 and she expressed that she is worried about Sena and hope that the team makes it to Christmas Bowl.

It’s match day and the battle for 3rd placing and the last chance to play in Kanto tournament.

The game begins with a individual player introduction. The Wizard of Lead Blocking – Hayato Akaba was introduced as the true original Eyeshield 21. Everyone in the stadium was shocked!

When the Deimon player introduction begins, Eyeshield 21 reveals his true identity to Mamori. She appeared stunned and even cried tears of happiness. The commentators then introduce Eyeshield 21 as Sena Kobayakawa. The audience was surprised but later chanted his name ‘Sena, Sena’

Football clinic explains that it is important for the running back to always keep the ball because if you drop the ball, the opponent goes on offense.

Eyeshield 21 [Episode 80] The Greatest Kicking Team?!

Bando Spiders begins the game with onside kick. It was a fake play and instead they went on offense with a floater. Bando Spiders then score 3 points through Kotaru Sasaki’s field goal.

There was also a brief flashback on the previous Bando Spiders team when Hayato Akaba betrays the team and joined another team. It also refreshes the scene where the principal wanted to close down the football team.

Bando Spiders restart the game with another onside kick. After gaining some yards, they diversify the field goal attempt with a run and Hayato Akaba scored a touchdown and a bonus point through Sasaki’s kick. Deimon Devil Bats is trapped in their Spider’s Web strategy and have not even touch the ball once!

Football clinic explains that when you are dodging a tackle, it’s important to be able to quickly determine whether to use a feint or dash to one side.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Girls, Girls, Girls! : Christina Aguilera + Uchiha Itachi

Christina Aguilera

Wow. Alot of different things come together to make a girl attractive, and Christina Aguilera has — well, she has all of them. Her voice is phenomenal, her beauty is stunning, her performances are incredible, and her success is undeniable. In short, she’s legit. Christina Aguilera may not make it to the top of many people’s lists, for whatever reasons, but she’s soundly in the top of mine, and I’ll tell why.

We could fill up an almanac (or a pretty long Wikipedia page), on everything she’s done, and how her image has transformed, and how controversial she’s been, and etc. etc. etc. Yeah, aside from all that, there is 1 reason Aguilera has my admiration: Dirrty.

I’ll never forget that night me and my brother, Andrew, were watching MTV, and the video for Dirrty came on. Now, we’re talking about Genie in a Bottle Christina Aguilera … Come on Over Baby Christina Aguilera. She was as bubblegum-pop as it gets, so when I saw the scene cut to her, and she started ripping her clothes off, in a music video, I was like, “Wow.”

The fact that she was 87% naked and fine in that video isn’t why she gained my respect, that just got my attention (and other things) going. The mainstream media reaction to that video was terrible. She was assaulted from every angle from critics, fans, peers, and even family, for the sexually charged image she displayed. And the beautiful thing is … she stood by it. No apology, no shame — she owned it. 7 years later, she’s more successful than 90% of the people talking down on her, and still true to herself. Whether I ever meet her or not, she’ll always have my respect.

Here’s to you, Christina!

And, the music video that made it all happen…

See what I mean?


Uchiha Itachi

In my covering of Naruto characters, I have no idea why I took so long to get to this … beast. All my favorite characters in the series are heroes, so I asked myself the simple, opposite question, “Who are my favorite villains?,” and Itachi appeared first.

The number of ways this dude is raw are almost too numerous to get into. He is an Uchiha, to begin with, so he is endowed with the Sharingan (Naruto’s god mode). Aside from that, he is a ridiculously adept hand to hand fighter, skilled in deadly ninjutsu, and is a genjutsu expert. It’s to the point that he defeats most of his opponents without even moving — seriously.

Then you get to his Mangekyou Sharingan — the regular Sharingan on HGH. In his left eye he has the deadliest illusion technique known to the Naruto world, and in his right, he has the deadliest ninjutsu. Both eyes put together reveals Susano’o, the summoning of an ethereal being that weilds two legendary weapons of Japanese culture. Zetsu, a one-time teammate of Itachi, commented that with all these techniques, plus his fearsome intelligence and perception, rendered Itachi practically invincible.

While introduced as a villain, he was admonished of this status when it was revealed that he was actually a good guy all along. To explain it would be complex, but let it be known that it was one of the biggest plot twists in all of Naruto, and brought a tear to my eye.

Even when I try and cover a villain, I still end up moving toward heroes. Wonder what that says about me? Anyway, Itachi is RAW.

If his enemy sees this, they’re already done.

_Reverend Zombie 16.35

Humanzee … is that you?


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Slight Changes

Well, there’s the first change that’s a bit obvious being the banner. Next is a content change: Starting soon (probably with Aoi Bungaku) I may join the large number of anime bloggers. I’ll keep doing the picture of the day ’cause that’s something I enjoy doing (sometimes.)

There might also be a few random posts thrown in such as rants on… whatever pisses me off that day. Basically this’ll become what it’s supposed to be: a blog. So enjoy, or don’t. Hell if I care.

Any show I’m watching will be done. Right now that means: Bakemonogatari, Umineko, Trapeze, Railgun, Aoi Bungaku, Kobato., and Seitokai. Oh and when subs are out: Zetsubou and KnK.

Oh and banner credits: niji and kou.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

YUI has some pretty good songs

Yesterday, I spent it doing laundry. Which really isn’t my walk in the park… I had wished I spend it writing and working on some of my rewriting that I want to do for some of my stories. Specifically for the Bleach/Naru crossover and typing for the AoM…

My brother found this song, “Love and Truth” by YUI. She’s the one who sang “Rolling Star” and “Life” an opening and ending for Bleach. I later found out that they used the song “Love and Truth” to go along with this fan-made video:

I really like this song! It’s really good… Well the video is nice too, I guess. So today, after coming home while I was fixing my friend’s laptop I spend it trying to find different songs by the same musical artist. She has some pretty good songs out there… so far “Love and Truth” is my top fave, “Namidairo” is good too. Tomorrow I’m going to take my mother to the dentist, which is located in Scranton. That’s what I call a nice distance from here; a good 55 minutes without counting weather or traffic… I’m praying that all’s go well… Ugh missing another day of school not good… definitely not good.

the shoujo adventure.

To balance out school endeavors, I read manga (Japanese comics) and watch anime. Since I spend more time in front of the computer  though, I have favored to read rather than watch. I basically read any type of manga but I do prefer most of the time shoujo or even josei. Shoujo is a category of manga/anime that typically has girls as its main audience. Josei, on the other hand, is more focused to cater older women in terms of readership. The latter is also more realistic in theme and it usually contains heavy drama.

Being highly entertained with this sort of medium, I would like to share my a list of my favorite shoujo manga.

  1. AAA by Fukushima Haruka (on-going)
  2. Akazukin Chacha (completed) by Ayahana Min – *See anime too.
  3. Akuma to Dolce by Suzuki Julietta (on-going)
  4. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (completed) – *I prefer the anime.
  5. Cardcaptor Sakura by Clamp (completed) -*See anime too.
  6. Cherry Juice by Fukushima Haruka (completed)
  7. Chibi Vampire/Karin by Yuna Kagesaki (on-going)
  8. D.N. Angel by Sugisaki Yukiru (on-going) -*See anime too.
  9. Daa! Daa! Daa!/UFO Baby by Kawamura Mika (completed)  -*See anime too. Sequel: Shin Daa! Daa! Daa!
  10. Faster than a Kiss by Meca Tanaka (on-going)
  11. Fly High by Oouchi Natsumi (on-going)
  12. Fruits Basket by Takaya Natsuki (completed) -*See anime too.
  13. Hana to Akuma by Oto Hisamu (on-going)
  14. Kaichou wa Maid-sama! by Fujiwara Hiro (on-going)
  15. Love Monster by Miyagi Riko (completed)
  16. Shinigami Lovers by Yuuki Ryou (completed)
  17. Shounen Dolls by Hibiki Wataru (on-going)
  18. Special A by Minami Maki (completed) -*See anime too.
  19. Vampire Knight by Hino Matsuri (on-going) -*See anime too.
  20. Watashi ni XX Shinasai by Tooyama Ema (on-going)
  21. Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi no Henge by Hayakawa Tomoko (on-going) – *See anime too.